- Don’t let the wobbly, wiggly worms tumble! -- Pull out a block, place it on top, but don't let the tower fall! This fun, challenging game is a great game for families and kids 6 and up.
- Funny characters with hilarious facial expressions! -- Bright, fun colours and cute patterns for each colour worm. With these bright colors design, these balance blocks help train color recognition while inspiring your child to be creative, imaginative and curious.
- Classic Game -- Build a tower out of wooden blocks, After the blocks are stacked on top of each other, Players will take turns to roll the dice, then carefully remove one block of that color and re-positioning it on the top of the tower. Keep balance of the tower, once the tower falls apart on your turn, you will lose the game.
- Improve Fine Motor Skills -- Stacking Games is practical and funny, great to help your child cooperate and interact with other children more easily, and able to help them develop fine motor skills and improve social skills.
- Puzzle Games -- Stacking Games toys are great to enable children to train their hand-eye coordination and hand flexibility through their own operations, a good toy for kids, able to help develop children's creativity and thinking ability.
Pierre Belvedere Inc
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CAD 24.99
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